51 The Show
The show “51” is a musical thriller, as five beings from another world journey through America in the summer of 1987, escorted by their friend, Elvis Presley, who, upon his Earthly death 10 years earlier, found himself placed in the heavens with a different civilization. For a homesick Elvis, the journey is nostalgic, with the additional purpose of introducing his new friends to American music.
This adventure begins with the Spaceship Borealis landing at a top secret Air Force Base nestled in the barren mountains of central Nevada; a place many refer to as Area 51. Elvis and company travel to Las Vegas, Tupelo, Memphis, and Washington DC, and are joined by a former girlfriend, Michelle Grant. Their travel plans are quickly influenced by tabloid reports of UFO and Elvis sightings. The President of the US, in the midst of a re-election campaign, feels forced to choose between confronting the Aliens' presence head-on, or sweeping all of the crazy stories (and the evidence) under the proverbial rug. His ultimate decision draws a surprising response from Earth's new visitors. Elvis has an appeal that is universal and cross-cultural, being the international icon that he was. While he is the primary vehicle that moves the story forward, the Aliens' experiences and their reflections on the United States provide moments of humor and insightful perspective that often are best delivered by an outside observer. Through the eyes of a supremely intelligent, but regimented, life-form, we get a fresh look at mankind's most radical experiment: that which the world calls “America.”
Paul Sacia